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Version: 2.0


RHFTagsInput is an customized version of TextField designed for entering and managing keyword-based inputs. Each keyword is visually represented as a Chip, offering a cleaner, more interactive experience compared to comma-separated values in a standard text field.


The functionality of RHFTagsInput is as follows:

  • Users can type a keyword, press Enter, and see it rendered as a chip, with the input field cleared for the next entry.
  • Pasting comma-separated values automatically generates chips for each value.
  • Users can remove a chip by clicking its "x" button.
  • Pressing Backspace or Delete key when the input is empty removes the last chip.
  • When the field is unfocused, only the first two chips are displayed by default. This can be customized via the limitTags prop, with -1 showing all chips.


import RHFTagsInput, { RHFTagsInputProps } from '@nish1896/rhf-mui-components/mui/tags-input';



The RHFTagsInputProps interface extends TextFieldProps and includes the following additional props:

fieldNamestringReact Hook Form requires name as a key for the registration process. This is a required prop for all components.
controlUseFormControlThe control option yielded on calling the useForm hook.
registerOptionsRegisterOptionsRegister options for validation if using react-hook-form without any validation libraries like yup or Joi.
onValueChange(tags: string[]) => voidAn optional callback function that returns an array of strings.
labelReactNodeThe text to render in FormLabel component. By default, the value of fieldName such as firstName will be transformed to display "First Name".
showLabelAboveFormFieldbooleanRender form label above the form field in FormLabel component.
formLabelPropsFormLabelPropsFormLabelProps to customise FormLabel component for a field. Multiple fields can be configured using the ConfigProvider component.
ChipPropsChipPropsProps to customise the Chip component for each input tag.
limitTagsnumberMaximum number of tags to show when the input is not focused. The default value is 2. Provide value as -1 to show all tags.
getLimitTagsText(hiddenTags: number) => ReactNodeThe label to display when the tags are truncated
errorMessageReactNodeError message to be shown for a field in FormHelperText component.
hideErrorMessagebooleanA flag to prevent replacement of helper text of a field by the error message when the validation is triggered.
formHelperTextPropsFormHelperTextPropsFormHelperTextProps to customise FormHelperText component for a field. Multiple fields can be configured using the ConfigProvider component.