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Version: 2.0


RHFAutocomplete extends Autocomplete, designed for searching and selecting an option from large datasets. Similar to RHFSelect, it supports selecting single or multiple options and accepts options as an array of strings or an array of objects. This component is ideal for use cases requiring dynamic filtering or managing extensive options seamlessly.


Due to the complexity of supporting arbitrary values in the Autocomplete while ensuring existing functionality remains unaffected, this component currently does not support the freeSolo prop of Autocomplete. This means users are restricted to selecting values exclusively from the dataset provided in the options prop, and cannot enter custom values.


import RHFAutocomplete, { RHFAutocompleteProps } from '@nish1896/rhf-mui-components/mui/autocomplete';
options={['Azerbaijan', 'Canada', 'India']}

For options as an array of objects:

options={countryList} // imported from RHFCountrySelect

When using an array of objects for options, both labelKey and valueKey are required. If either is missing, an error will be thrown.



The RHFAutocomplete interface extends AutocompleteProps and accepts the following additional props:

fieldNamestringReact Hook Form requires name as a key for the registration process. This is a required prop for all components.
controlUseFormControlThe control option yielded on calling the useForm hook.
registerOptionsRegisterOptionsRegister options for validation if using react-hook-form without any validation libraries like yup or Joi.
optionsstring[] or object[]An array with string or object values. Make sure to pass labelKey and valueKey when options is an array of objects.
labelKeystringThe key of object in options array, whose value would be shown as the label in the formfield. Only required when input options is an array of objects.
valueKeystringThe key of object in options array, whose value would be actual value of the option selected in the formfield. Only required when input options is an array of objects.
requiredbooleanIndicates that the field is mandatory by adding an asterisk symbol (*) to the formLabel. This visual cue helps users quickly identify required fields in the form.
multiplebooleanAllow selection of single or multiple values for a formfield.
onValueChange(newValue, event, reason, details?) => voidReturns the latest value of the field in newValue parameter. The last selected option can be obtained from details.
labelReactNodeThe text to render in FormLabel component. By default, the value of fieldName such as firstName will be transformed to display "First Name".
showLabelAboveFormFieldbooleanRender form label above the form field in FormLabel component.
formLabelPropsFormLabelPropsFormLabelProps to customise FormLabel component for a field. Multiple fields can be configured using the ConfigProvider component.
helperTextReactNodeThe content to display within the FormHelperText component below the field. If the field validation fails, this content will be overridden by the corresponding error message.
errorMessageReactNodeError message to be shown for a field in FormHelperText component.
hideErrorMessagebooleanA flag to prevent replacement of helper text of a field by the error message when the validation is triggered.
formHelperTextPropsFormHelperTextPropsFormHelperTextProps to customise FormHelperText component for a field. Multiple fields can be configured using the ConfigProvider component.
textFieldPropsTextFieldPropsProps to customise the Autocomplete Textfield.