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RHFNativeSelect extends NativeSelect and is recommended to use when designing forms to view over mobile. Just like RHFSelect, it also accepts both array as well as object-array values.

RHFNativeSelect extends NativeSelect and is ideal for mobile-friendly form designs. Similar to RHFSelect, it supports both arrays and arrays of objects for flexible option rendering.


import { RHFNativeSelect, RHFNativeSelectProps } from '@nish1896/rhf-mui-components';

Here’s a basic example with an array of strings:

options={['Red', 'Blue', 'Orange']}

And with an array of objects:

{ code: 'AUS', country: 'Australia' },
{ code: 'IN', country: 'India' },
{ code: 'UAE', country: 'United Arab Emirates' },

When using an array of objects for options, both labelKey and valueKey are required. If either is missing, an error will be thrown.



The RHFNativeSelectProps interface extends NativeSelectProps and accepts the following additional props:

fieldNamestringReact Hook Form requires name as a key for the registration process.
registerUseFormRegisterThe register option yielded on calling the useForm hook.
registerOptionsRegisterOptionsRegister options if using react-hook-form without any validation libraries like yup or Joi.
optionsstring[]` or `number[]` or `object[]Icon component to hide password text, such as VisibilityOffIcon from @mui/icons-material/VisibilityOff.
labelKeystringThe key of object in your array, whose value would be shown as the label in RHFSelect or RHFCheckboxGroup. Only required when options prop is an array of objects.
valueKeystringThe key of object in your array, whose value would be actual value of the option selected in RHFSelect or RHFCheckboxGroup. Only required when options prop is an array of objects.
defaultValuestring OR string[] OR number OR number[]When rendering RHFSelect or RHFNativeSelect with some initial value, pass the value in this prop, so that this value is selected. The value would be an array if multiple=true
showDefaultOptionbooleanShow default Label of the disabled option when value of RHFSelect or RHFNativeSelect is ''. This text cane be changed using the defaultOptionText prop.
defaultOptionTextstringCustom text to replace the default text when showDefaultOption is true for RHFSelect or RHFNativeSelect.
onValueChange(e: ChangeEvent) => voidAn optional callback function when the value of a field changes. The changed value can be obtained from
labelReactNodeThe text to render in FormLabel component. By default, the value of fieldName such as firstName will be transformed to display "First Name".
errorMessageReactNodeError message to be shown for a field in FormHelperText component.
hideErrorMessagebooleanPrevent replacing of form HelperText by error message during validation trigger.
formHelperTextPropsFormHelperTextPropsFormHelperTextProps to customise FormHelperText component for a field. Multiple fields can be configured using the ConfigProvider component.